Monday, April 23, 2012

Firefox AutoCorrect? this afternoon while typing several lengthy emails to various employers asking for internships, family about summer plans and teachers about coming exams, I was struck by a glaring gap in my technology. My phone, an Android running Pantech Crossover, will correct i to I, cant to can't etc. Even in just keyboard non-swype mode it will make all the grammatical changes necessary to keep me from looking like a four year old with no knowledge whatsoever. My browser(Firefox) however is for some reason incapable of even capitalizing the next letter after a period. Feeling slightly disgruntled I searched for an add-on that would do simple things like this. Not even spell correction just adding apostrophe's and shifts. Things I commonly forget to add due to my own negligence in typing lessons. But lo! two hours of time could uncover nothing but threads asking for one. Mozilla for the first time in my life you have failed me...

Now before anyone says learn to type I just want to say that usually i have enough trouble just keeping up with my own train of thought to just put it on paper let alone capitalize. Hence most code I post lacks camel-case notation...who needs common conventions anyways? Just use descriptive enough variable names...

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