Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Python is fun!

Hey everyone (who's left that is) Sorry for the long long long delay in posting. Lately(and by lately i mean the past 2 hours) I've been teaching myself python. It started when i found Skulpt a nifty live, in-browser compiler for Python. Since then I've downloaded the IDE for windows and have been playing with it. So far I've written the beginnings of a Blackjack game but lost myself in how to equate the card names to values because i stored the cards in a map. Tomorrow i might start on a MTG program that would take your deck, shuffle it, draw a hand and keep track of mana etc. All command line based of course since Clarkson doesn't teach GUI applications (yet i hope). Anyways below is the code I have so far. Feel free to provide suggestions.
| Read no Further if you don't care |

import random

deck = {1 : 'Ace of Hearts', 2:'Ace of Clubs',   3:'Ace of Spades',   4:'Ace of Diamonds',

        5:'Two of Hearts',   6:'Two of Clubs',   7:'Two of Spades',   8:'Two of Diamonds',

        9:'Three of Hearts', 10:'Three of Clubs',11:'Three of Spades',12:'Three of Diamonds',

        13:'Four of Hearts', 14:'Four of Clubs', 15:'Four of Spades', 16:'Four of Diamonds',

        17:'Five of Hearts', 18:'Five of Clubs', 19:'Five of Spades', 20:'Five of Diamonds',

        21:'Six of Hearts',  22:'Six of Clubs',  23:'Six of Spades',  24:'Six of Diamonds',

        25:'Seven of Hearts',26:'Seven of Clubs',27:'Seven of Spades',28:'Seven of Diamonds',

        29:'Eight of Hearts',30:'Eight of Clubs',31:'Eight of Spades',32:'Eight of Diamonds',

        33:'Nine of Hearts', 34:'Nine of Clubs', 35:'Nine of Spades', 36:'Nine of Diamonds',

        37:'Ten of Hearts',  38:'Ten of Clubs',  39:'Ten of Spades',  40:'Ten of Diamonds',

        41:'Jack of Hearts', 42:'Jack of Clubs', 43:'Jack of Spades', 44:'Jack of Diamonds',

        45:'Queen of Hearts',46:'Queen of Clubs',47:'Queen of Spades',48:'Queen of Diamonds',

        49:'King of Hearts', 50:'King of Clubs', 51:'King of Spades', 52:'King of Diamonds'}

hand = []

total = 0

def start():



total = 0

def checkHand():

    #To be implemented        


def dealing(answer):

    if answer == "HIT":




        print(hand, total)

        response = input("Would you like to hit or stay? (Please note the Dealer sticks at 16) HIT/STAY \n")


    if answer == "STAY":



        print("Invalid Response...Quiting")


print("Hello and welcome to BlackJack 2011. Here are your first two cards: " )





response = input("Would you like to hit or stay? (Please note the Dealer sticks at 16) HIT/STAY \n")



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